Welcome to Rhuined Stuff!



As a journalist and newspaper owner, I believe in honesty, in being objective, and offering readers full transparency. It’s what builds trust. My intention with Rhuined Stuff is no different. The products here are priced affordably because I believe more in Rhuined Fiction’s message than I do its profit. I’m very serious about this. I’m only making between $1 and $3 per item sold -- and some of that is being split with Rhuined Fiction’s artist, who deserves every penny for his talented work. The remaining money is being put back into Rhuined Fiction’s effort to promote healthy artistic and journalistic expression to the largest audience possible.



I believe you should see what you’re paying for. Like with Rhuined Stuff’s pricing, I offer the same transparency with its shipping by not working it into product pricing and calling it FREE SHIPPING just to get you to buy more. Except for the Crash Landing Notebook, everything on Rhuined Stuff costs 3.99 (or slightly less in some cases) for one item to ship and 1.25 for each additional item to ship INSIDE the US. So shop smart and buy only what you want or can afford. And if you’re here just to “window shop,” that’s awesome, too. Real inspiration is always free!



As a writer, my favorite saying is ‘Line upon line, precept upon precept.’ By shopping Rhuined Stuff, that’s what you’re doing, supporting an effort of honest creativity a little bit at a time in an attempt to build something great, inspiring, and sincere. Thank you for your generosity.